Project Management

Below you will find valuable resources regarding Project Management topics. Schedule your consultation today and we will answer your questions.
Our Latest Articles

The Importance of Cybersecurity in Accounting
As technology continues to advance, it has become increasingly important for accounting firms to pay attention to cybersecurity. In an era where businesses of all

Importance of API Management in Finance
As the world of finance continues to evolve, one of the most important advances in the field has been the introduction of application

Overcoming the Odds: Young Women in Tech
Starting a career in IT can be a daunting prospect for women. The IT sector is still largely dominated by men, and this can make
Current Events
Project Management Institute
- The Role of Early Contractor Involvement in Facilitating Exploration and Exploitation of Innovations in Megaprojects March 25, 2025Project Management Journal, Ahead of Print. This article demonstrates how early contractor involvement (ECI) facilitates the exploration and exploitation of innovations in megaprojects. Contractors possess knowledge of innovations that project owners often lack. By involving them in the front end, ...
- Ecologies of Temporary Organizations March 17, 2025Project Management Journal, Ahead of Print. In this thoughtlet I propose to expand current thinking about projects and temporary organizations to consider ecologies of temporary organizations. In this perspective, temporary organizations transcend the boundaries of permanent organizations to form ...
- Configurational Effects of Social Capital and Dynamic Capability on Project Resilience in Megaprojects March 3, 2025Project Management Journal, Ahead of Print. Confronted with unexpected events, project resilience is significant for megaproject delivery success. A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis is used to explore the practical configuration conditions for project resilience in 81 megaprojects. The ...
- Unlocking Collaboration: The Political and Institutional Forces Driving Risk Allocation in Transport Megaprojects February 27, 2025Project Management Journal, Ahead of Print. This study explores how institutional environments influence risk allocation and drive the adoption of collaborative governance models in transport megaprojects. The research question is: “How do institutional environments influence the praxis of risk ...
- How Agile Working Increases Innovative Work Behavior: The Role of Psychological Empowerment and Communication Media February 12, 2025Project Management Journal, Ahead of Print. In a volatile environment, identifying effective collaboration elements is crucial for innovation. This article focuses on agile team characteristics that influence innovative work behavior by introducing the concept “agile working,” which encompasses ...
Useful Links
Project management Software
Buyer’s Guide provides a list of project management tools that you can use for your business.
Best Project Management Software – 2022 Buyer’s Guide (
Project Management Calculators
These calculators provide you with tools that help calculate things such as Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), or Return on Investment (ROI) amongst other calculations necessary during the project management process.